Archbishop Jonathan Blake

The Most Reverend Jonathan Blake, Presiding Archbishop of the Open Episcopal Church B.A. (Hons), Dip. Pastoral Studies. Mobile: 07767 687711 The Church is a member of The International Council of Community churches and the World Council of Churches. Married and a proud Dad.

My Photo
Location: London, Kent, United Kingdom

Gassed Tehran, seized Kabul, helped Mother Teresa, funded TB hospital, priest 1981, went Auschwitz, wrote on Parliament, convicted, began 1st inter-faith NHS chapel, 12 yrs Anglican cleric/vicar - left, baptised 1000's in homes/Mt Snowdon/at circus, wedding underwater, wrote ‘For God’s Sake Don’t Go To Church’, nailed 95 Theses 2 Canterbury cathedral, arrested, co-founded the Society for Independent Ministry, consecrated a bishop, co-founded the Open Episcopal Church, did 1st gay wedding on morning TV, sued Associated Newspapers, co-consecrated 1st women bishops 4 England,Wales,Scotland, accommodated the homeless, posted Mass/took it 2 sex workers, elected Archbishop, arrested 4 climbing with sons,founded ‘When No One’s Watching',made ICV, did Jade Goody's wedding,invited 2 Downing St, wrote 'That Old Devil Called God Again', conviction 4 campaigning against child abuse quashed on appeal, convicted 4 successful blogging 2 stop paedophile. His Christmas Lights raising £91,000 4 Water in 5 Gambian villages. Published "The Tales of Henry the Lovable Hedgehog", the SAFE New Testament + Psalms + radical Book of Common Prayer, ordained priests for UK,US,Thailand,Spain,Ireland

Monday, May 02, 2011

Robert Mugabe's assault upon the late Pope's memory

It was the opportunity for 1.5 million people, including the representatives of five royal families, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, 15 heads of state, the Pope, the Vatican and Cardinals to honour the memory of John Paul II, by protesting at the presence of Robert Mugabe.

Instead they, by condoning his attendance, colluded with the oppression meted out by this violator of Zimbabwe's people.

Far from repairing the church's image and restoring morale among Christians, such an act bears the hallmarks of the corruption and political expediency which is stripping the church of its moral credibility and public standing.

When Hitler marched into Vienna on March 14th 1938, the Cardinal ordered the bells of Austria to ring. By the end of the war 65,000 Jews in Austria had been slaughtered, 6 million Jews had died across Europe and 60 million people overall.

In 1998, John Paul apologised that the church did not speak out against the Nazi holocaust.

How is it possible, to honour the memory of this very man, by welcoming at the ceremony a present day dictator, responsible for torture and mass murder?