Archbishop Jonathan Blake

The Most Reverend Jonathan Blake, Presiding Archbishop of the Open Episcopal Church B.A. (Hons), Dip. Pastoral Studies. Mobile: 07767 687711 The Church is a member of The International Council of Community churches and the World Council of Churches. Married and a proud Dad.

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Location: London, Kent, United Kingdom

Gassed Tehran, seized Kabul, helped Mother Teresa, funded TB hospital, priest 1981, went Auschwitz, wrote on Parliament, convicted, began 1st inter-faith NHS chapel, 12 yrs Anglican cleric/vicar - left, baptised 1000's in homes/Mt Snowdon/at circus, wedding underwater, wrote ‘For God’s Sake Don’t Go To Church’, nailed 95 Theses 2 Canterbury cathedral, arrested, co-founded the Society for Independent Ministry, consecrated a bishop, co-founded the Open Episcopal Church, did 1st gay wedding on morning TV, sued Associated Newspapers, co-consecrated 1st women bishops 4 England,Wales,Scotland, accommodated the homeless, posted Mass/took it 2 sex workers, elected Archbishop, arrested 4 climbing with sons,founded ‘When No One’s Watching',made ICV, did Jade Goody's wedding,invited 2 Downing St, wrote 'That Old Devil Called God Again', conviction 4 campaigning against child abuse quashed on appeal, convicted 4 successful blogging 2 stop paedophile. His Christmas Lights raising £91,000 4 Water in 5 Gambian villages. Published "The Tales of Henry the Lovable Hedgehog", the SAFE New Testament + Psalms + radical Book of Common Prayer, ordained priests for UK,US,Thailand,Spain,Ireland

Friday, October 24, 2014


Geldof is correct. The family courts are a disgrace, entrenching prejudice and sexist led decisions into the experience of so many children, wrenched from their fathers, through the applications of vindictive and embittered women. In so many cases, the father is best suited to provide the majority of care and yet family courts incline to the mother, even when her care plan involves farming out the children to childminders. Judges, social workers and 'expert' witnesses, who blight children with biased decisions remain unaccountable behind screens of secrecy. Even so called 'Guardians ad Litem', far from being children's advocates, become instead collaborators with the systemic discrimination against Dads. The default position should be that children spend 50% of time with each parent and nothing should erode that principle, but for situations where there is reliable evidence of abuse. The dirty tricks launched by malicious mothers, pretending threat and hinting at abuse should be exposed and penalised. The time has come for the family court system to stop being a further stick with which to victimise fathers and their 'kidnapped' children.


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